+55 (11) 5585-4355 / (11) 3159-1010 |

June 10 to 12, 2025 | São Paulo Expo
1pm to 8pm

Fiera Milano Brasil

+55 (11) 5585-4355 / (11) 3159-1010 |

10 a 12 Junho 2025 | São Paulo Expo - SP
13h às 20h

Fiera Milano Brasil

June 10 to 12, 2025 | São Paulo Expo - SP - BRAZIL
1pm to 8pm

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Frequently Asked Questions – Exhibitors

1. Where can I find all rules and regulations for my participation in the event?

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All specific rules and the guidelines on the collection of fees are available in the Exhibitor Portal. You will receive your login and password to access the site after sending the formal contract.

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2. From that date will the specific standards be available in the Exhibitor Manual?

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The event rules are available in the Exhibitor Portal always 90 days before the assembly date.

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3. What are the dates/times of assembly and disassembly?

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ASEMBLY Beginning: June 9th, at 8 am

Ending: June 12th at 4pm

EXECUTION June 13th to 15th, from 1pm to 8pm
DISASSEMBLY From June 15th at 8pm
NOTE: On 12/06, only assembly until 4pm will be allowed. The period from 4pm until 8pm will reserved for decoration and small adjustments to the booth. It will be three days of assembly (24 hours per day till 2th October 4pm) but Caex’s attendance is 8am to 8pm
The entry of minors under sixteen (16) years old, even accompanied by those responsible will be expressly prohibited. Except infants up to a maximum of 1 year of age.
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5. Can trucks enter the Pavilion during the entire assembly period?

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Access shall be made by the Services Gate (Rua Miguel Estéfano, near #3000, in front of the main gate of Botanic Garden). You cannot unload inside the Pavilion.

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6. What are the documents required so that the assembler can access the Pavilion to start assembling my stand?

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To enter the Pavilion, the Assembler / Exhibitor shall deliver the original copies of the following documents:

  • Disclaimer (stamped and signed) by both the exhibitor as the Assembler;
  • ART or RRT for the stand with collect payment (the date to be contained in the ART / RRT goes from the first day of assembly to the last day of the event disassembly);
  • Project Copy;
  • Deposit check for those not affiliated with SINDIPROM, or membership receipt to SINDIPROM affiliates.
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7. What is the minimum age at the Pavilion during assembly and disassembly?

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In periods of assembly and disassembly it is not allowed the entrance of anyone under 18 years old.

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8. What is the Pavilion address where the event will take place?

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Centro de Exposições São Paulo Expo
Rodovia dos Imigrantes, km 1,5
São Paulo – SP

Click here

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9. What documents should I present at the event’s entrance?

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To access the event, you shall make your accreditation and for your service providers by Exhibitor’s Portal and you will be asked to present your ID for access to Pavilion.

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10. How to proceed to issue the consigned invoice for exhibition?

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The invoice for shipping goods to be exhibited must be issued to the exhibitor with its own CNPJ and State Registration.

Only the address provided in the invoice should be the Pavilion where the event will take place.

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11- Is there a specific time for refueling and maintenance during the event?

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Yes. Stand maintenance is authorized only up to an hour before the event’s opening hours.

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12. During the event assembly and disassembly is mandatory the use of PPE – Personal Protective Equipment?

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Yes, the use of PPE is required for all those who access the Pavilion during the assembly and disassembly.

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13. Can I come in shorts and/or slippers?

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The entrance wearing bermuda, skirt, shorts and open footwear during the periods of assembly, decoration and disassembly of the event is not allowed.

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14. How do I access the Exhibitor Portal?

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Click here to access the Exhibitor Portal.

Your username and password will be automatically provided after the contract validation.

If you do not have this data, please contact the Operations Department by e-mail caex@fieramilano.com.br.

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16. How do I register the assembler?

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The Exhibitor Portal, go to: > Forms > 01. Automaker Accreditation. If the automaker is already registered in our system simply enter the company’s CNPJ and the system automatically completes the filling and the chosen automaker will receive login access to the specific area of service provider. But if the automaker is not registered in our system, simply fill out the form with the company’s registration details and at the end the login and password will be sent.

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17. Should I forward the project for my stand for analysis?

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Yes, the project should be forwarded by e-mail to the technical inspector (projetos@fieramilano.com.br) 45 days before beginning the assembly for proper analysis of heights and setbacks.

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18. I want to hire extra services. How should I proceed?

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Exhibitor: There are several additional services available for hire through the Exhibitor Portal.  The request will only be accepted up to 5 business days before the start of assembly.

Assembler: In case of power surplus, hydraulic point and compressed air point, the assembler must inform the Exhibitor so that the request is made by the person in charge in the Exhibitor Portal.

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20. What is the share of free credentials?

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Exhibitor: The amount of free credentials varies according to the length of your stand. This information is available in the Exhibitor Portal. Request Exhibitor Credential. After adding the credentials in the system, the Exhibitor himself properly identified, or a carrier identified and authorized by letter, should withdraw the credentials in CAEX from the 1st assembly day.

Service Provider / Assembler: The Assembler credentials are not free and all must be requested and paid through the Provider Portal. Assembler affiliated to SINDIPROM are exempt from paying, as long as they request credentials through the Electronic Manual and at the time of withdrawal, provide a copy of the stamp certifications in CAEX – Exhibitor Attendance Center.

General Note: After the site is expired, all requests for inclusion or amendment shall be made by e-mail: caex@fieramilano.com.br.

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21. How do I fill the Disclosure Data?

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Access the Exhibitor Portal.

WARNING: This form has a reduced filling time because of the time demand for layout and printing of the Event Official Catalogue. The deadline for completion is indicated in the Exhibitor Electronic Manual in front of numbering each form.

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22. What is the procedure when you lose or forget the credential?

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The applicant must attend to CAEX. The 2nd copy will cost R$ 25.00 per credential.

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23. What is the procedure to hire telephone or internet line?

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The Exhibitor should contact the Pavilion operator (São Paulo Expo) where the event will take place:

Phone: (11) 3077-5000
E-mail: feiras@hipernet.net

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24. Is there Security at the event or I should hire the service for my stand?

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The event security is responsible for common areas and access controls. So it is not the responsibility of the official security company of the fair to look after the products exhibited at stands.

The security for the stand can be hired directly by the Exhibitor Portal with our official security company, or another company at the free choice of Exhibitor, being aware that, for hiring another company other than the Event’s official, requires buying a security credential that will be delivered at CAEX upon presentation of the following professional documentation indicated:

  • Recommendation letter for the security company
  • Letter of the Exhibitor indication, if not done through the Electronic Manual
  • Simple copy of RG and CPF
  • Certificate of criminal record
  • Simple copy of the certificate of security course completion with the current validity period
  • Copy of recycling course, if applicable.
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25. Will any bell service be available in the Pavilions?

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The Fiera Milano Brasil Group does not provide that type of service.

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26. Will there be lockers on site?

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Yes. The event offers lockers located at the entrance of the fair.

All the visitors and exhibitors can use the services of Malex to store their belongings and walk through the fair with all practicality and comfort.

Amount: R$ 30.00  per volume.

Forms of Payment: Cash and Debit or Credit Card.

Will be accepted: Bags, backpacks and bags.

Not allowed: Loose handbags and wallets for security measures.

Malex hours: from 8am to 7pm (every day).

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